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Fact vs fad. Is there a "best" diet?

Fact vs fad. Is there a "best" diet?

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” Ann Wigmore

Which diet is best? This is one of the most common questions we are asked here at Natural Progression. The answer is there is no single best diet. What there is, is what's best for you, at this time in your life, during this season, taking into consideration environmental sustainability and your own ethical beliefs.
People decide on different diets for a myriad of reasons, our aim is to guide you to find what works best for you, your lifestyle and current state of health.
We've watched countless fad diets come and go. The common thread however seems to be that each new one is "THE" one. Paleo, keto, raw, gluten-free, FODMAP, vegan.. the list goes on, and if you're not armed with knowledge it can be overwhelming, daunting and confusing. Likewise, fanatical adherence to any one dietary dogma can ultimately be detrimental to health.
What's important to know is that there are certain elements applicable regardless of who you are and which dietary approach you choose. We should always eat organic wherever possible, eat seasonally and locally, with gratitude and learn to tune in to how our body feels after we eat something. This is an important skill to develop as you learn to eat intuitively. Also, food cooked with love is filled with nourishing properties far superior to machine made or fast food. Likewise how we eat is pivotally relevant. Eating in good company, in pleasant surrounds when calm and relaxed makes a profound difference to digestion, assimilation and the life-force we receive from our food. 
These simple principles coupled with guidance from qualified, knowledgable professionals can elevate your health and wellbeing in such a significant way. In fact, it's foundational.
Whether it's a complete overhaul or just small adjustments you need, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge to make your own decisions. While diet plans may be helpful short term, long term they are not sustainable. So, while we all need the help of a professional from time to time, our unique approach is to provide you with the support, guidance and information you need to take charge of your own health. Whether it's weight loss, a specific health issue such as gut, skin, autoimmune or hormone balance or you're just wanting to ensure optimum nutrition and health. We have excellent, highly qualified practitioners available to guide you to make the best choices for you and your body every single day.