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Ritual & Reverence – Making Sacred in the Everyday

Ritual & Reverence – Making Sacred in the Everyday

Everything is sentient. Everything is holy. When we acknowledge the magic in the mundane, find beauty in the bland or barren, or sense the sweetness in the seemingly inconsequential, we open ourselves to a greater awareness of the ever-present divinity that underpins all things.

This is especially true at times when it is most difficult. How do we find the place within ourselves that is eternally connected to this truth of reality when life pulls and pushes us (always for our growth and ultimately a deeper opening of the heart) in ways that at times feels too much to bear?


“Remember, that suffering only ever deepens your cup so that there’s more compassion for the hollow hearts of this world to drink from.” Allie Michelle


The answer is simple. Return to the heart. Over and over again. All ritual is an outward expression of this intention. And it is this intention that transmutes pain and negativity.

The reward is in the process, when we bow at the altar of life with a pure and open heart, we are instantly filled with a light and warmth that radiates out for all of humanity.

Below are some of our favourite tools for reconnecting to divinity and making sacred in the every day;




“And there will never be any more perfection than there is now, Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.. I and this mystery here we stand. Clear and sweet is my soul, and clear and sweet is all that is not my soul.”
- Walt Whitman